Ghosts and other world

Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 23 окт 2012, 00:54

Ghost on the camera of video surveillance in Nerekhta, Kostroma, Russia- VIDEO
Sunday, 21 October 2012 10:20

The newspaper "Nerekhta pravda" reported, that in the city of Nerekhta, Kostroma region, Russia in one local transport company at October 10, 2012 was taken on video an unusual- ghost in the form of a luminous body, which move and change shape, and then it shifted inside the bus, on the driver's seat, and disappeared. As reported, a strange image on the video of camera of video surveillance was found by the owner of the transport company- Ivan Borovikov, which were made in the parking lot in front of a office of transport company. Ivan Borovikov made a video of this phenomenon from a mobile phone directly from the monitor of surveillance cameras and gave to the journalists of "Nerekhta pravda", more on this VIDEO: ... ussia.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 26 ноя 2012, 01:26

Ghost face found in the Gulf of Mexico by BP-specialists- VIDEO

Tuesday, 13 November 2012 09:12

On the Internet appeared the video, on which shows, according to the author of the video, as during of underwater shooting near one of the oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, far from the coast, produced to estimate of the size of oil pollution, experts of BP (British Petroleum) were able to capture on video an unusual face of ghost, THE VIDEO: ... oleum.html!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 26 ноя 2012, 01:27

Scientists have confirmed the possibility of communication with the spirit world by the example of the Brazilian mediums- VIDEO

Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:15

In the PLoS One magazine appeared an article of a group of scientists from the Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, USA, under the leadership of Andrew Newberg, that with emission tomography scientist can to see- what happens in the brains of people, who supposedly able to glimpse into the world of spirits. According to Andrew Newberg, with emission tomography of the brain of Brazilian mediums scientists studied during the session communicate with the souls of the dead and the letters was written under their dictation, that are capable of doing Brazilian mediums, when immersed in a deep state of trance (as claim). In the experiments researchers from the Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, involved two groups of five skilled and five novice Brazilian mediums and asked these mediums do sessions with automatic writing from the souls of the dead. The experiment showed, that novice mediums tried a little "fake" letters from the spirits, as they have more active areas of the brain, that are responsible for the flow of thought processes, but the observation of the activity of the brain of skilled mediums- were surprised an American neuroscientists, brain regions, that respond for the flow of thought processes showed a very low activity and was virtually impossible, that skilled mediums pondered of the text of a letter from the spirits, so it is unclear how the experienced Brazilian mediums wrote these letters correctly logically constructed from the spirits, without thinking about their meaning, scientists had impression, that the letters were actually written under dictation, THE VIDEO: ... irits.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 26 ноя 2012, 01:28

In the Czech Republic was found a grave with the date of December 12, 2012- VIDEO

Sunday, 18 November 2012 10:56

Many Czech media reported about the unusual case, which happened in the Eastern Bohemia in city of Jihlava, where on the local cemetery was found the grave, which was the date of death-December 12, 2012. As reported, on the tomb stone on the grave was indicated the name Josef Kral, it was his date of death December 12, 2012 was listed on the grave, a local police officer said, that law enforcement agencies have no sufficient information about this citizen and it is difficult to say- it was a grim joke or all of this story has a deeper meaning, THE VIDEO: ... hlava.html!
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Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 26 ноя 2012, 01:29

Ghost Sandy Island in the Pacific Ocean has been identified on the service Google Earth and maps- VIDEO

Thursday, 22 November 2012 13:55

As reported the BBC (British Broadcasting C), Australian researchers from the University of Sydney reported, that the island of Sandy (Sandy Island) in the South Pacific, which was indicated in the service Google Earth and many charts and maps- does not actually exist in reality. As reported the scientists, ghost Sandy Island, according to the service Google Earth, should be located between Australia and New Caledonia, an island in the Coral Sea, but when scientists from the University of Sydney sailed to the location of the island of Sandy- they could not find any trace of the islands, only the waves of the Pacific Ocean. Defunct fake Sandy Island was regularly appeared in various scientific publications since 2000, THE VIDEO: ... sland.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 26 ноя 2012, 01:30

Two angels lifted a five-ton truck to save man- VIDEO

Sunday, 25 November 2012 09:07

On the Internet appeared the video, the author of video, Bruce Van Natta, claims, that two unusual creatures, as he considers- two angels, helped to him, when they lifted a five-ton truck axle, which fell off the jack and crushed him. THE VIDEO: ... ngels.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 11 май 2014, 21:07

TOP 20 real photos of ghosts in the world -VIDEO PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 11 May 2014 11:00
One of the Internet users put together a collection of 20 most famous photographs of ghosts that have been made at different times in different countries, VIDEO:!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 13 май 2014, 14:57

Aliens inside us and around us: investigation- VIDEO
Monday, 12 May 2014 12:00
The film tells about real aliens-microbes, which have long been settled in the world and are both around and within the people creating these symbioses with terrestrial organisms, resulting in a life of terrestrial organisms is becoming impossible without alien microbes, VIDEO: ... de-us.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 18 май 2014, 21:12

Ghost in Liverpool pub Allerton Hall 14 May 2014 - VIDEO Sunday, 18 May 2014 15:00
Surveillance cameras, that installed in the legendary Liverpool pub Allerton Hall, recorded a glowing ghost strolling down the hall of the night drinking establishments. Owners of brasserie, that located in the building of the XVII century manor house, say that hell is going on for a long time. Published on the following frames seen strange unusual luminous object, that moves around the bar room. Chief manager of the pub, located in Liverpool park, said that had become accustomed to the fact that according to the old ghosts roam the building . "I just hope this good ghost " - said John McCann.This is not the first time that British pubs visited by ghosts. In February, the ghost showed up in the oldest pub in Manchester and in 2010 – in one of the pubs in Cumbria, VIDEO: ... l-pub.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25

Re: Ghosts and other world

Сообщение! » 19 май 2014, 22:11

Ghost of Michael Jackson photographed at the show in the UK- VIDEO
Monday, 19 May 2014 14:53
British teenager at twin show of Michael Jackson photographed the ghost of Michael Jackson. Looking statement of twins in a local theater, he decided to take an autograph from Jackson imitator. Standing in line to him, a teenager from boredom took a few pictures. Returning to home and carefully studied the resulting picture, the young Briton came as a shock. On one of the frames was captured not only acts that evening artist, but something strongly resembling the ghost of Michael Jackson- on photo was imprinted blue glowing face hanging over double the King of Pop ." It was very scary. Standing in line, I did not notice anything unusual. I never believed in ghosts, so do not even know what to think ," - said he ."I was there and I can say that in the room where was an artist, there were no mirrors or spotlights. However, I think that if Michael Jackson rose from the dead, he hardly wanted to visit the show of twins " - said the 54 - old his mother, VIDEO: ... ow-uk.html!
Сообщений: 12286
Зарегистрирован: 01 июл 2010, 14:25


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